Human Psychology

A Better Way to Think About a Good Life

There isn’t just one way to live a fulfilling life. It all depends on what matters to you. Now is the perfect time to take living a meaningful life seriously. Across various fields, more researchers than ever are studying happine…

5 Breakthroughs in Positive Psychology for a Happier Life

Our pursuit of happiness is often misdirected. A common misconception is that positive psychology ignores human struggles and focuses only on life’s bright side. However, as Mangelsdorf clarifies, the field of positive psychology…

Why Do I Attract Narcissists?

One common question I often hear from clients is, "Why do I always seem to attract narcissists into my life?" It's a valid concern, and many people who experience this pattern feel stuck in unhealthy relationships. …

3 Important Lessons on Self-Love

I've watched 'Groundhog Day' more times than I can count, but nothing could have prepared me for actually standing at Gobbler’s Knob on February 2, 2020. My husband’s aunt was born in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, so ou…

Nature’s Ozempic: A Natural Approach to Weight Loss

"The goal of life is to live in harmony with nature." – Zeno   Weight loss medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are making waves, arriving just in time to tackle the global obesity crisis.   These drugs work by tricking …

Why Do Narcissists Need Validation from Others?

Over the past decade, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) has transitioned from being a relatively obscure psychological diagnosis to a widely discussed topic. As a result, many people now have a basic understanding of the te…

Does Narcissism Change With Age?

If you're hoping that the narcissist in your life will undergo significant behavioral changes as they age, you might be disappointed. A narcissist is someone who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and is highly self-…

Why Taking Time to Do "Nothing" Is Good for Yourself

Life is overwhelming. Our schedules are packed, our to-do lists never end, and many of us are constantly running on empty. We move through our days on autopilot, hopping from one task to the next without giving ourselves a chance…

Happiness: Why Having a Purpose Matters More Than Money

Discover why true happiness stems from purpose and relationships rather than wealth or achievements. The debate around whether money can buy happiness has been ongoing for years. Some argue persuasively that it can, while others …

How Public Narcissism Fuels Disconnection

In today’s world, where national pride often borders on nationalism, the concept of public narcissism has gained significant attention. Research suggests it has profound effects not only on group dynamics but also on individual m…

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