Showing posts from September, 2024

4 Essential Factors for a Lasting Relationship

Enduring love isn't just something that can be wished into existence; it grows over time through thoughts and actions. A recent study from the Marriage and Family Survey revealed the key elements that determine how long love …

Do We Feel Less Happiness as We Get Older?

What research says about happiness throughout life. This summer, I took my kids to watch the movie 'Inside Out 2', expecting another fun story about the emotions of a young child. While there were definitely some happy mo…

We Shouldn't Be Ashamed of Aging

Aging is something we all experience; no one is immune to it. Yet, nothing in our society brings about more widespread discomfort than the shame often associated with growing older. People can be shamed for various traits, belief…

How to Be Mind-Reading Savvy

If you want to understand what someone is thinking, learn to recognize projection. Anthony, a man in his mid-30s, struggled for years with anxiety that was so intense he sometimes had trouble leaving his apartment, afraid he migh…

The 5 Stages of a Breakup

Have you ever felt a relationship slipping away but couldn’t figure out exactly when or why it started? Relationships, like living beings, have a life cycle that includes phases of growth and decline. According to Knapp’s relatio…

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