Did Silicon Valley Hijack the Definition of Technology?

Did Silicon Valley Hijack the Definition of Technology?

Have you seen that when you proceed to peruse the news on the web, and you read through the various stories from the authorized destinations that they ordinarily have a tech office, and that tech office is loaded with the most recent devices and ways of mingling and any of the freshest things emerging from Silicon Valley? I, as a tech sweetheart, and organizer of a research organization, am irritated by all of this. Presently then let me make sense of what I mean.

There is a great deal of vital new advances, advances that without them we wouldn’t be in the same place as us today. Moreover, a significant number of the difficulties of things to come will be settled through innovation. What’s more, a large portion of the significant difficulties is not connected with the most recent informal organization. For instance, if we need to take care of the issue of contamination, or we have less carbon dioxide in the air, then, at that point, maybe we want to accomplish more work on clean coal advancements. Incidentally, it’s astounding how far this innovation has come in the beyond five years, yet you don’t hear much about it?

Valid and why would that be? What might be said about every one of the new materials innovation, carbon nanotubes, everything that will make our vehicles lighter, more grounded, and our planes more effective? Advancements that will permit us to go down to the sea depths, and maybe extricate uncommon earth components from the ocean bottom without upsetting any amphibian life that is there? Try not to need to find out about this kind of innovation? For what reason would we say we are so up to speed in the most recent screens, tablets, and cell phones? Isn’t there more to life than that? Try not to misunderstand me, these are extraordinary minimal individual tech gadgets for purchasers, notwithstanding.

Advertisers, public statements, and the overabundance of cash filling those areas appear to have seized the meaning of innovation. Individuals are currently perusing the information and accepting the innovation comes from Silicon Valley? Indeed, I might want to present to you that a great deal of strong innovation comes from IBM, Intel, and other Silicon Valley organizations – yet that doesn’t imply that all innovation comes from Silicon Valley, or that it’s the main spot where large walks are made and broken.

I can’t help suspecting that in total news like Google, MSN, and some other web crawlers that give all the reports all over the planet, all things considered, they should isolate the tech area into new classifications like:

  • individual specialized devices
  • social advancements
  • genuine innovation

Why, since, supposing that they did, rising specialists and researchers would understand that there is something else to life and innovation besides the very most recent cool device planned in Silicon Valley, made in China or Taiwan. Truth be told, I want to believe that you ponder this and consider it.

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